Here's What's New in PrimeCare:
Removed MirixaPro from MTM Queue and Provider Dropdown
Updated the following due to the acquisition of Mirixa by Outcomes.
Removed the MirixaPro option from the Provider Filter dropdown on the MTM Opportunity Queue screen. Whether your system is authorized for Mirixa MTM or OutcomesMTM, the options that display are: Display All, OutcomesMTM, or Other. Any existing opportunities for Mirixa still display the Mirixa name.
Note: Your system must be authorized for the Mirixa MTM or OutcomesMTM interface for the Provider Filter dropdown to display.
Updated the Provider column to display OutcomesMTM on the MTM Opportunity Queue screen for opportunities that come from both Mirixa or Outcomes.
Added Remaining Refills to Prescription Profile
Patient Prescription Profile
Added a Quantity Remaining checkbox accessed via the Edit Columns hyperlink on the Prescription Profile. Default = Unchecked. Select to display the Quantity Remaining column on the Patient Profile. The Quantity Remaining is pulled from the Remaining field on the Rx Record.
Updated the Prescription Profile for any prescriptions that have a quantity remaining to display in black instead of red.
Print M114 and M115 Based on Frequency
Updated the M114 to print all PRN orders that do not have a "P" frequency.
Updated the M115 to print all PRN orders that have a "P" Frequency.
Updated Compliancy for RxTran Labels
Updated the system to display RxTran languages in alphabetical order
in the SIG Translation
dropdown on the Patient Record (and Batch Patient Record) and the
dropdown on the Select a SIG window. RxTran has added the following
new languages: Amharic, Burmese, Farsi, Nepali, Pashto, Romanian,
Somali, and Swahili.
Added Prt Prim & RxTran Label Design option to the Label Print Options window. Default = Unchecked. Select to also print the Primary Label Design whenever the RxTran Label Design is triggered when filling a prescription or reprinting a label. The Primary Label Design and RxTran Label Design options must be selected to use.
Added Prt Rx Translation Insert option to the Label Print Options window. Default = Unchecked. Select to also print the Rx Translation Insert whenever the RxTran Label Design is triggered when filling a prescription or reprinting a label. The RxTran Label Design option must be selected to use. Depending on your printer setup, the Rx Translation Insert prints based on this order: PEM printer, workstation printer, and default printer.
Added ASAP Fields for North Dakota PMP/Contact Field for Data Collection
Store-side Manual Reporting
Added a Contact Name field to the Store Identification screen. Enter up to 30 characters.
Updated the system to send the following fields/values
for ND when using state code PM4 (and PM7 used for pharmacies with
Point-of-Sale (POS) systems) and using versions 4.2, 4.2A, or 4.2B:
= 01
= Contact Name
PAT09 = Middle Name/Initial
Updated the system to populate the PHA11 field with the Contact Name when using state code PM7 for all states for version 4.2B unless the state requires otherwise.
Data Collection
Updated the system to transmit the value in the new Contact Name field during data collection PMP reporting for all states.
Delivery Sheets
Updated the system to create and send data collection transactions with the Contact Name in field PHA11 for all states when printing delivery sheets (Workflow, Transaction, and Fill List) and the Send to PMP Print Option is set to YES.
Implemented Daily Audit Log Requirements for Mississippi
Added the following to print the Daily Audit Log with the required
fields when dispensing controlled substance prescriptions to comply
with MS state legal requirements.
Added the following to the Enhanced Daily Audit Log (Prt Detail = 4) when printed if Store Options Transaction Billing History and Transaction Accounting Reports are unchecked.
Added an Initial Dispense Date field to the Prescription/Transaction Information section.
Added a Strength field to the Drug Information section.
Added the following to the Classic Daily Audit (Prt Detail = 4) when printed when Store Options Transaction Billing History and Transaction Accounting Reports are unchecked.
Added an INIT Dte column that prints the Initial Dispense Date value from the Prescription.
Added a Strength column that prints the strength from the Drug Record.
Added/Modified the column header and lined up the fields for the following existing headers: AUTH, REF#, REM, REF DT, DISP, UNIT, and PRICE.
Enhanced (History)
Added the following to the Enhanced Daily Audit Log (Prt Detail = 4) when printed if Store Options Transaction Billing History and Transaction Accounting Reports are checked.
Added an Initial Dispense Date field to the Prescription/Transaction Information section.
Added a Strength field to the Drug Information section.
Classic (History)
Added the following to the Classic Daily Audit Log (Prt Detail = 4) when printed if Store Options Transaction Billing History and Transaction Accounting Reports are checked.
Added/Modified the column header and lined up the fields for the following existing headers: UNIT, DC, N, and PLAN DESCRIPTION.
Added a Strength column that prints the strength from the Drug Record.
Added an INIT Dte column that prints the Initial Dispense Date value from the Prescription.
Implemented ASAP Field Requirements for Florida PMP/Required ASAP PMP Fields for All States
Facility Record
Added a PDMP Responsible Agent section to the Facility Record > Delivery Information screen. Default = Blank. Enter up to 20 characters. Includes the following fields:
= Blank
up to 20 characters
= Blank
ID Type Field Values:
= Blank
Issuing Jurisdiction Field Values:
= Blank
= Blank
up to 17 characters
= Blank
up to 12 characters
Delivery Sheets
When printing Delivery Sheets and the Send to PMP Print Option = YES, updated the system to create data transactions for the prescriptions that require to be logged for PMP and/or record to the Rx Monitoring Log file with the following ASAP fields and values for all states.
Note: Fields are overwritten with the appropriate value for any states that require values other than the following.
Note: Changes apply to ASAP versions 4.2, 4.2A, and 4.2B for PM7 and data collection reporting.
- Issuing Jurisdiction - Populates from Facility Record for the
patient on the prescription.
- ID Qualifier - Populates ID Type from the Facility Record for
the patient on the prescription.
- ID of Person Picking Up - Populates ID Number from the Facility
Record for the patient on the prescription.
- Relationship of Person Picking Up - Populates with 99 for Other.
- Last Name of Person Picking Up - Populates from Facility Record
for the patient on the prescription.
- First Name of Person Picking Up - Pulls from Facility Record
for the patient on the prescription.
- Last Name of Pharmacist - Populates with last name of the dispensing
pharmacist up to 50 characters.
- First Name of Pharmacist - Populates with first name of the
dispensing pharmacist up to 50 characters.
- Dropping Off/Picking Up Identifier Qualifier - Populates with
02 for Person Picking Up.
Updated the system to populate the Prescription Monitoring section on the Prescription Transaction with the following for all states unless the state requires a different value.
ID - Populates with value in the ID Number field on the Facility
Record for the patient on the prescription.
Qualifier - Populates with value in the ID Type field on the Facility
Record for the patient on the prescription.
Jurisdiction - Populates with value from the Facility Record for
the patient on the prescription.
Relationship to Patient - Populates with 99 - Other.
Added Authorization for RxInformâ„¢
Created an Authorization Flag for RxInform, a secure patient messaging
platform that sends real-time notifications about prescriptions.
Added a Customer Premise(s) Equipment (CPE) Web Service option to System Utilities > Interface Control > Configure Web Services > Web Services Configuration screen. Enter your pharmacy Consumer ID up to 25 characters, and unique Consumer Secret up to 36 characters.
The system sends the data fields from the RxInform data layout to CPE via the Web Services Gateway (WSG) when a new prescription is filled.
Implemented Script Management Partners (SMP) COVID-19 File Layout Changes
Updated the system to accommodate proper reporting of third dose booster shots to SMP for COVID-19 vaccinations and obtain reimbursement. An entry of 07 or 10 in the Submission Clarification #1 field sends a 3 for the dose number. Previously, only an entry of 07 sent a 3 for the dose number.
Implemented ASAP v4.2B Field Requirements for Colorado PMP
Store-side Manual Reporting
Colorado requires once daily reporting and does not require reporting on date sold. Use the Rx Monitoring Log and either manually build the file using state code PM7 or report using Data Collection reporting.
When using Print Option 4.2B and state code PM7, the following fields are populated (some existing, some new) for all states:
Note: Fields are overwritten with the appropriate value for any states that require values other than the following.
- Transaction Type - Populates with 01.
- Unique Source ID - Populates with pharmacy phone number up to
10 characters.
- Information Source Entity Name - Populates with pharmacy name
up to 60 characters.
- Address Information - Populates with pharmacy street address
line 1 up to 55 characters.
- City Address - Populates with pharmacy city address up to 35
- State Address - Populates with pharmacy state code up to 2 characters.
- Zip Code Address - Populates with pharmacy zip code up to 9
- Contact Name - Populates with contact name from Store Identification
up to 30 character.
- Pharmacy's Permit Number/License Number - If present, the values
in the For other ST and Lic # other ST Print Options are populated
up to 20 characters. Otherwise, the entry form the State License
field on the Store Identification screen is populated up to 20
- ID Qualifier of Patient Identifier - Populates with issuing
- ID Qualifier - Populates with 01, 02, 05, 06, 99 depending on
the issuing jurisdiction type value.
- ID of Patient - Populates with corresponding ID number.
- Middle Name/Initial - Populates with middle name or initial
from the Patient Record.
- Address Information 2 - Populates with address 2 from the Patient
Record up to 55 characters.
- Transmission Form of Rx Origin Code - Populates with 06 for
transferred/forwarded Rx.
- RxNorm Code Qualifier - Populates with 01, 02, 03, or 04 depending
on the Term Type value.
- Rx Norm Code - RxNorm code.
- Electronic Prescription Reference Number - If eRx, the initiator
reference number populates up to 35 characters.
- Electronic Prescription Order Number - If eRx, populates the
initiator control reference up to 35 characters.
- Quantity Prescribed - Populates with quantity authorized from
the Transaction up to 3 digits.
- Rx SIG - Populates with the SIG from the Rx Record up to 200
- Treatment Type - Populates with treatment type from the Rx Record.
- Diagnosis Code - Populates with ICD-10 diagnosis code from the
Rx Record.
PRE10 - Jurisdiction or State Issuing Prescriber License Number - If the prescriber state license number is populated on the Prescriber Record and sent in PRE04, the value from the State field is populated.
Data Collection
Updated the system to automatically report all data collection reporting using ASAP v4.2 and send all ASAP fields when available for all states except Oklahoma.
Added the following data collection fields for ASAP v4.2B:
- Version/Release Number - Populates with 4.2B
- Contact Name - Populates with value from Store Identification.
- Middle Name/Initial - Populates with value from Patient Record.
- Address Information 2 - Populates with value in address
2 on Patient Record up to 55 characters.
- Transmission Form of Rx Origin Code - Populates with 06 for
Transferred/Forwarded if Rx Origin is 5 on the Rx Record.
- RxNorm Code Qualifier - Populates with 01, 02, or 03 depending
on value in the Term Type field on Drug Record.
- RxNorm Code - Populates with RxNorm Code.
- Electronic Prescription Reference Number - Populates with initiator
reference number up to 35 characters.
- Electronic Prescription Order Number - Populates with initiator
control reference up to 35 characters.
- Treatment Type - Populates with value on Rx Record.
DSP25 - Populates with ICD-10 field on the Rx Record. Only the first code populates if there are multiple entries.
Adjusted Effective Date/Time Conversion
Updated the system to convert the Effective Date/Time using Coordination Universal Time (UTC) time for accuracy in data transmissions.
Implemented American Society for Automation
in Pharmacy (ASAP) v4.2B Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Reporting
for Arizona, Mississippi, and Alabama
To comply with legal requirements, updated store-side manual reporting
for state code PM4 to send PMP reporting using version 4.2B for Arizona,
Mississippi, and Alabama.
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